When a simulation reaches the complexity of that which it's simulating, it transcends onto the same plane of existence


Simulations are all about resolution and complexity. When something is just as real as that which it’s trying to simulate, then it’s arguably on par with it.

We can debate ‘what is considered reality’, but I believe thinking about it in terms of complexity may be a good start.

Related To: Modelling Reality MOC
Created On: 2020-08-10 from A - Personal Dynamic Medium
Last Updated On: 2020-08-10

Linked References

Modelling Reality

Reality Proper

  • D - Full Reality

  • D - Common Reality

  • D - Accidental vs Absolute Reality

  • D - Realness


  • D - Simulation

  • E - When a simulation reaches the complexity of that which it’s simulating, it transcends onto the same plane of existence

  • E - Simulations are lower resolution gestural reproductions of reality

  • E - Our mind holds only a simulation of reality

  • E - The computational medium is simulation


  • Truth MOC


  • E - Given the same input, context changes the output

  • E - Everything stands in relation to everything else

  • E - Physical units are residues of human interaction

  • E - Common truth is found through the collective

Full Models

  • SPIO Model MOC
Simulations are lower resolution gestural reproductions of reality

Simulations are, by definition, recreations of some input reality.

They seek to reproduce the real thing as much as possible, but are ‘lower resolution’ because they lack, on a fundamental level, something that the real thing has.

Think of how computers are often attempting to 'simulate' something, whether it be conversations, paper or scenarios and situations. In our current state, we are unable to completely recreate reality in all its complexity on a computer, and so it stays as a lower res 'mock'. However, various features of it are computer-specific, for example a web browser isn't a 'simulation' of Parts of it could be, like the bookmark, but the browser in its entirety becomes its own thing .

It becomes real (no longer a simulation) when all of its elements and complexity are at play, or when we can no longer differentiate between the real and the simulated (see Simulation for more discussion).

Related To: Modelling Reality MOC
Created On: 2020-08-09 from A - Personal Dynamic Medium
Last Updated On: 2020-08-09


Simulations are lower resolution recreations of a reality that either already exists or hasn’t been discovered yet. When a simulation reaches the complexity of what it’s simulating, it’s no longer a simulation as it has transcended onto the same plane of existence.

Not Yet Discovered

A reality that ‘hasn’t been discovered yet’ means, for example, the sound of a trumpet and piano combined. This fused instrument has not being created yet, but you could engineer the sound waves with software to simulate it.

Reaching Common Reality

The reality discussed here can only exist in common reality as our minds are only capable of recreating a lower resolution of full reality. If our simulation reaches common reality, we will deem it to be consistent with full reality.

What Makes it Real?

What makes something ‘real’ and no longer a simulation? I suggested that it’s when the simulation reaches the same level of complexity as what it’s trying to simulate (the target). But what if it’s not at the same level of complexity, but it’s behaviour is indistinguishable from the simulation target?

Just because it’s artificially created, does it make it ‘less real’? If we can no longer tell AI robots apart from humans, what stops us from deeming it to be as ‘real’ as us?

If everyone was in VR and there was no difference between VR and common reality (like some Matrix situation), how might we perceive complexity and its role here?

This question ultimately comes down to the opposite of simulation - ‘reality’.

  • What do we perceive to ultimately be ‘real’ and the truth?

Related To: Modelling Reality MOC
Created On: 2020-08-09 from A - Personal Dynamic Medium
Last Updated On: 2020-08-09